Friday, October 5, 2007

Welcome everybody!

Myths and Misconceptions
about CALL


testecarla said...
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testecarla said...

Dear all,

Using computers and relying on the Internet are ideas full of misconceptions. It's not about the technology itself, but how we're educating our students to use the means of communication that many of them are using. It's about connecting in ways never imagined before. It's the potential to demystify and be within cultures that seem so unfamiliar to all of us. It is about exploring information and content in ways that the collective is much bigger than the individual. It's the power of the collective intelligence, knowledge co-construction and sharing.

There are so many Binational Centers spread throughout Latin America, but only now we are collaborating. Not because of institutional demand, or market desire, but because of some educators who feel the urge to go beyond the classroom walls. We, in a Binational Center in Brasilia, Casa Thomas Jefferson, connected to Carla Raguseo and Jesica because of the online communities we're part of, because we understand the potential that collaboration brings to our learners, because we believe in the power of multiculturalism, of making a small difference in our students'lives by showing them how big this world really is and how small it becomes when we connect in English.

We hope we can develop many meaningful ideas and work closer to each other in this online environment that is so promising in terms of bringing people together and developing powerful projects that can affect and cause an effect on our learners.

We hope to connect to you, we would love to keep going beyond the national boundaries and make our own niche of e-Binational Centers connected to interact.

Carla Arena